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Sound Operator

Reps: 'Gone Too Far'

& 'Mr Burns'


Gone Too Far 


Mr Burns




Section 1: Objectives - What you want to improve on.

What do you want to do, or think that you are supposed to do in this allocation?

Describe your personal objectives and expectations for this allocation, in relation to your current knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques. You are expected to link your objectives to your previous feedback.


In this allocation I want to become more confident in the sound department and in my ability to be a competent member of the technical team. I want to learn different software such as Q-Lab and Yamaha (relevant to what sound desk we use) in a way to where-by the end of this allocation, I feel very comfortable using. I would like to learn more about sound no.2 and no.1 roles, such as expanding my knowledge on mic fittings, radio mixing as well as mixing the show (if the production demands it). I really enjoyed mixing with Phil Wright in our Digi-Co sessions from first year, so I am eager to take up this mantle in a show role. Furthermore, I would be interested to know how to fit up a speaker and mic system in the space and learn how it is powered and how data is transferred to the desk.  Either using an interface or 'Dante' networking. We went through these skills briefly in first year, but personally I learn best on the job, with a competent person on standby to help me.


Section 2: Learning & development - Why you want to improve on these things.

Consider what you hope to be doing five years from now – how are the objectives you have set for yourself useful to you in getting there?


I want to improve on these skills as I feel by having more confidence in these systems and processes, means I can be a better production manager (or in any management related role) in the future. I am still not entirely certain in what role I strive to have in five years’ time. But I do know my strengths lie in organisation, creativity and having a vision. So, this can lie in any design or management role. Bettering my knowledge on these tech aspects will be a massive insight for what lies ahead for me in the future. Also by being the sound operator for both Rep shows, it will throw me deep into the role and it will improve my knowledge of the sound department quite significantly. 


Section 3: Action Plan - How you are going to improve these things.

What do you plan to do in order to achieve your objectives?

What recommendations or advice have you already been given that you can apply now?


I plan to practise with Q-Lab software online as well as help prepare whats needed for the sound designers and for the Production Sound Engineer. I can perhaps look at sound mixing tutorials online or even see if companies like Digi-Co or Yamaha a computer-based software have to play around with similar to Eos lighting desks. However I may not be sound mixing at all on this allocation, instead mainly using a heavy cue based system and being responsible for the equipment. 


Section 4: How you will measure your improvements – what success will look like.

How will you be able to demonstrate that you have achieved your objectives?


I will be able to demonstrate that I have achieved my objectives by supporting the Sound Designer, Production Sound Engineer and Director to tailor to their vision and to reach their expectations. Success will be in hearing all components of the drama, whether in voice, sound effects or instrumentation; all at a balanced level. In addition, to have strong communication with all departments of the production whether in production meetings, through emails or in person. Furthermore to recieve good feedback in our end of allocation meeting. 


Section 5: Do you have a Learning Support Agreement?

What support do you feel you might need on this allocation and how do you wish this to be discussed with the creative/ freelance team you will be working with?




Student: Eve Clayton


Supervisor: Andy Taylor 


Date: 19/04/2021


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