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Stage MANAGEMENT: 'Jackal Run'Journals 


DRAMA BY BREACH theatre company  


Relates to the end of week Reflection 

Important Information 

Week 1: 15/02/2021


  • Started the day off with a meeting with Breach and Barrel Organ for an overview of the two productions for the upcoming 6 weeks. We all introduced ourselves and learnt more about the theatre companies as well as the narratives that we will be working on. 

  • A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning for Stage Management (Myself and Devon) and the team of Breach ( The Director: Billy Barrett, Writer: Ellice Stevens and Video Dramaturg: Dorothy Allen Pickard) to decide the production schedule and to discuss the direction we could take. 

  • I have forwarded a research document as well as some informative links to the rest of the PA group from Breachs's producer: Ellie Claughton. The attachments involve research into the scandel surrounding the undercover cops in the activists groups. 

  • Pete Wallace has created a Teams for the Spycops project so this should be really helpful for looking at shared documents and to review our progress over the next couple of weeks. 

  • I have begun on creating a welcome pack for the Company. 



  • Had a meeting with the creatives and Ben Wallace at 10 am with just me and Devon. I found this meeting really helpful mainly to understand the expectations they have of us being: Them understanding our roles are fluid, expecting a call sheet for the upcoming days, specifically rehearsals, for us to use a voice of authority with the actors, blending into more PM roles such as production scheduling, and scheduling breaks. Ensuring there is an abundence of communication, openness and honesty. Making sure that we are noting any changed being made within the devising process. We understand that the end product is likely to be a edited piece of footage- hopefully with the actors in a space for filming. We agreed that Monday will be our day for progress meetings. Ben Wallace said that our budget is £8,000 overall, and to loop him into any further meetings. 

  • Me and Devon had a quick chat afterwards and we agreed that Devon should slot more into the Stage Manager role as she wants to focus on the scheduling side of things, rehearsal reports and call lists. And I want to focus on the more Assistant Stage Manager roles such as; prop sourcing, photoshop and assistanting Devon with her workload. Going forward, my main responsibilities will be to do the meeting minutes in the progress meetings as well as to represent stage management in those meetings. 

  • My main aim of today is to get as much of the Welcome Pack done for the Company for next week. However Ellie Claughton the producer would like the pack sooner so I am working faster to get this completed. 

  • Had a huge issue with WiFi all day and when I tried to join the Lighting meeting I was kicked out twice but still managed to get it recorded regardless- and added this to teams. 

  • Had a catch-up meeting Gill Allen, Lucy Serjeant and Ben Wallace at the end of the day with the other SM members. I need focus on finishing the welcome pack and get started on writing my AAP for Gill to see next week for our start of allocation tutorial. Me and Lucy Rodgers will be having a meeting with Lucy Sergeant about rehearsals. 



  • When I went to continue where I left off last night with the Welcome Pack- I believe I accidentally somehow deleted the latest version. So I had to go back and make all the progress again in word. Such as name corrections, watermarking and mostly adding in the guildhall staff page with all the names and faces. 

  • I emailed Lucy Serjeant for a headshot as she is a freelancer and she was kind enough to take a new one for the welcome pack. 

  • I sent out different versions to Devon throughout the day and she gave me constructive critisicm to make any changes.

  • I got to a point to were I realised I need to export it to PDF as the word previews both through emails and on teams was changing the format, such as the paragraphs being pushed down and the font changing. However, when I converted the word document to PDF it was still having the same issue. The only way I could think to amend it was downloading a trial of Adobe and manually editing it. I have never used Adobe before so this was still a learning experience. I couldnt just move text down like you can in word so I had to select and move everything individually and re-type and re-format a lot of it. I then sent this out to the creative team with SM team CC'd in to take a look at it before I send it out PA teams and cast. 



  • Joined in on the video meeting this morning to see what ideas are floating around. I believe that Breach is interested in using green screen at some point which makes me wonder if they would be interested in using the tv studio. Softwares such as Premier Pro, After Effects and Houdini are what the teams are looking into using. Futhermore, there wont be much of a set. 

  • Meeting with the creatives and the SM team at 12. Main points from the meeting were that producer Ellie Claughton and the Breach team would much rather operate on Whatsapp than a teams chat. I just need to wait and see if there is any more information changes to make in the Welcome pack before it is sent out. 

  • We had a SM meeting with Lucy Serjeant at 2. This meeting covered how to write daily schedules and rehearsal reports. The daily schedule should contain the location, time, date, whos involved and who is absent. Its best to have a template ready for this and it can also have a Logo of the show, and to have a date attached to that schedule. Add your name and mobile number to the footer then convert it to a PDF. When creating the mailing list- its best to add your own name to that list to make sure it sent through fine. The daily schedule can sometimes just be a weekly schedule it depends on the stage manager or what works best for the creative team. For the time being, put in the information you know of like absences and down days when there isnt a solid structure yet. Add 'Subject to Change' as well as 'Any problems please contact me' in the email. 

  • For writing rehearsal notes, add the date, title of the show and logo. In the notes themselves; add any changes made in the production, the attendance as well as any absences. Note any props that are introduced; find out what character uses them, when and where in the play it comes in. If you overhear a potential prop/item the creatives are thinking about, discuss that with them then make that into a rehearsal note. Number the rehearsal report and aim to get them out before six o'clock. If there is no notes taken in a rehearsal, still email the production staff and say that no notes have been taken. 

  • Recieved a feedback email from Ellie Claughton on the welcome pack. Things to be added/changed are: making sure Billy Barrett and 2 t's instead of one (my mistake) and that all the relevant PA students are in there. I checked the excel spreadsheet they are refereing to and the only other student that I missed out was Ophir as he is 'producing'. Me and Devon thought we would add in all PA members across both projects (apart from SM and Costume) as a lot of them are crossing over. Lucy Serjeant also said to change one sentence at the beginning to along the lines of: 'Both of us will be contactable during working hours'. 



  • Emailed Tom Mackey for a headshot photo to add to the Welcome Pack. Then added this in once I recieved it. 

  • Sent out the newest version of the Welcome pack to the creatives to have a look at. Hopefully this can be confirmed as ideally I would like to send it out to the Cast and PA students as soon as possible. 

  • Had a scheduling meeting with the creatives for Breach at 3pm. Devon controlled most of the meeting as I am not confident in how everything works yet in terms of scheduling. Main points of the meeting was that rehearsals ideally to start at 2pm as two of the actors are 5 hours behind. And to have the rehearsals/workshops 2-6, with a 30 minute break in the middle. So I assume 2.00-3.45, 4.15-6.00? Most of the discussion was about the plan for Monday the 22nd. There will be a Meet and Greet at 2pm with the cast, creatives and production arts. As well as Stuart Calder reading out the equity license. We then will start workshop at 3 till 6 with a break in between. I will however will probably leave after the break at 3.45 for my Start of Allocation Tutorial with Gill Allen at 4.30. There was a slight hiccup in the meeting as the creatives created their own schedule and neglected to tell us of this schedule- so when it came down to discussion, it became somewhat awkward as me and Devon were under the impression we would create any schedules as we are Stage Management. I think this is purely because this theatre company isnt used to having a team such as this schedule for them so there is some teething issues with the sharing of responsibility. 

  • Devon released the call list and my Welcome pack in the evening to the company, creatives and PA team. 



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Company Pack V3


Company Pack V4

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Company Pack V5


Reflection of the Week: 


It has been a really interesting and somewhat chaotic first week in this new world of Stage Management. I found the first two days quite overwhelming, I think keeping up with the amount of emails and information was quite a lot to take in. I also feel some pressure to be as helpful as I can to Devon as we are a two person team, and I dont want her to feel overwhelmed by the SM responsibilities of the Breach project. It does feel rather daunting and quite tiring being in as many zoom calls as this in one week, as in normal Tech situations this wouldn't be the case. Even just having my camera on and seeing myself on the call is quite stressful and uncomfortable for me, but these are areas that I know I need to improve on. I also know that no question is a stupid question; but I always find myself not taking in information properly and am anxious that the question I ask, has an obvious answer that I just missed somewhere. I dont want to come across unprepared to anyone, especially the creatives, as I can be absent minded when taking in information sometimes. So I never tend to want to ask questions a lot of the time. All in all, I think this week has really exposed me to the importance of the SM team, as well as how I function well with others. I like to think that I will be a much more approachable and extroverted person by the end of this allocation- I just hope that it wont take too much strain on my personal boundaries to get there. 


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Rehearsal Report Example: 

Rehearsal Call Example:

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Week 2: 22/02/2021


  • Met with Devon at half one to have a catch-up and a chat about everything so far and before we meet with the creatives at quarter to 2 to discuss a call list for tomorrow. We then met up with the creatives and that was just about when my Wifi went down. However as Devon is usually handling the call lists, it wasn't too imperative that I be there. But what we have learnt is that Breach have a youth drama workshop at 6 every monday that we have to remember for scheduling reasons. For this week only the uk & us students will be together in the afternoon only (2pm-6pm) for workshops/rehearsals. Next week it will change to smaller groups so there are morning sessions with the actors. And call lists will start to become more specific. 

  • I managed to get the wifi back just in time for the main meeting with the cast, creatives and PA team at 2 o'clock. The producers plan for the meeting was to give an introduction to everyone first, then to start the meet and greet and get everyone to introduce themselves as they went round, Stuart Calder (Associate Producer) to read the equity agreement, then move on to Billy Barrett (Director) to give an introduction to the process then lastly move onto Anna Reid (Design Mentor) into an introduction to the design. 

  • What I got from that meeting was that the initial idea stage is still in process and everything is still up in the air. The design is just conceptual at the moment with the theme of false identity and disconstruction. Director Billy Barret stressed that there definately be a script to work from eventually for the actors to use. The Director explained that his and writer Ellice Stevens' work process starts with the Initial research stage to then devising/writing stage, this will then be taken apart and cut down then it will be the rehearsal period.

  • After a 30 min break, I joined the workshop with the actors and quickly brought up my welcome pack with the actors names to make sure everyone was present. Sonny Pilgrem wasn't in attendance. I need to make sure that I have a cast list in front of me to check the attendance. 

  • I had quite a positive tutorial with Gill Allen and Lucy Serjeant at half 4. I need to relax more and understand that confidence will come with time, and to also try and take some work off of Devon such as alternating who does the call lists/scheduling. 

  • When the rehearsal eventually finished, I had a quick check in with Devon about everything. We discussed about the production meeting that we thought we had to schedule for tomorrow but learn that this is now Tom Mackeys job. I also mentioned about doing call lists every other day like Lucy Serjeant and Gill Allen suggested I do and Devon sent over the call list as a word document for me to edit. We mainly just reaffirmed the information we took in today. 



  • Had a meeting with Devon, Tom Mackey and Ben Wallace at 11.00. We talked about how we will go about organising progress meetings, he will continue to organise progress meetings for Breach every Tuesday. He will organise a meeting with all of production for Friday as well. Tom will act as normal PM in these progress meetings and will do the meeting minutes but may ask for SM help if it becomes too much. Ben Wallace also informed us that he is busy in the latter half of the week with interviews.

  • Had a brief meeting with Devon, the writer and director at 11.45. They wanted to let us know that they want to split the group in half starting thursday. With Umi Myers and Brandon Grace in the morning and Zac Nachbaer-Sekel and Jide Okunola in the afternoon. As well as requesting to have a Breach meeting on Friday. Devon asked what they want the activity to be called on the Call List for Wednesday and the director wanted 'Political Theatre' and for there to be two 15 minute breaks and one 30 minute break.

  • I made three contact lists for when I am sending mass emails, one is for PA, another for the creatives and another for Cast. This is in the contact section on Outlook. 

  • Made the Call List for Wednesday 24th. I added those breaks and added mine and Devons contact details underneath as well as adding Tom Mackey and Ben Wallace next to SM above the schedule. 

  • Rehearsal begins at 2.00. No rehearsal notes from today and will make sure an email is sent out stating there are no notes. 



  • Had an email from Gill as  a reminder to name Call Lists 'Rehearsal Calls' instead as its more obvious to what it is being sent out, so I will remember this for next time. 

  • Had World of Work this morning with Disney Cruise Liners at 11.00

  • Created a register to use for the Cast Attendance for every rehearsal in-keeping with house colours. It has an AM and PM time ready for when we split the cast on Thursday onwards. The morning cast will be: Brandon Grace, Umi Myers, Alyth Ross, Tara Tijani, Hope Kenna, Charlie Beck and Felix Newman. The afternoon cast will be Jide Okunola, Zac Nachbaer-Sekel, Lily Hardy, Genny Lewis, Sheyi Cole, Caitlyn Griffiths and Sonny Pilgrem. 

  • I really quickly whipped up the rehearsal call for tomorrow and added two different rehearsal times for the morning and the afternoon as Devon was unavailable. I sent this out just before the rehearsal at 2. But somehow got Caitlyn Griffiths last name wrong and forgot to include Lily Hardy for the afternoon. I will make sure this is corrected for the next call. 

  • Began Rehearsals at 2 and was host for the meeting. I used the new register to make sure everyone was present. Zac Nachbar-Sekel was the only one that is not meant to be attending. 

  • At 4.45 we had an SM catch-up with Gill to mainly discuss Props, how to display prop sourcing to a designer as well as making a prop bible. The main thing I took from it was how to lay out the props correctly such as:     Item/Link/Price/Size/Delivery/Notes 






  • Its best to number the different versions of the same prop for the designer so they pick the number instead of having to say the make. Make sure to mark down the item name too as well as the link of where it is been bought from (if its online), the price, the size or measurements, the delivery charge and any extra information that might be useful like different colour samples or if its too expensive etc. 

  • Need to consider where the prop is being sourced from, so find out how long the delivery will be and if the delivery charge is overpriced. Not being a part of the European Union now affects international shipping too. 

  • A props bible is similiar but is more for the SM team. It is a collection of all the props in the show. You state what it is, with a picture. Include the measurements and colour of the item. Mention any alterations that have made to it if any. Put where it came from and where it went back to once the production finishes. Gill sent over these examples in an email the next day. 



  • 10.00 Rehearsal begins. Unfortunately I never got round to listening to the Spycops podcast so in every break I put it on and had a listen and found it fascinating. This is the link:

  • Another really helpful article for research is again from the guardian showing a list of names of the undercover cops involved as well as the organisation/activist group they were infiltrating, their fake name and the years they were active. Underneath is a small description explaining the enviroment they were in. This is the link: 

  • I had to leave 30 mins early to get an hours lunch for a production meeting at 1pm. Producer Ellie Claughton reprimanded us on the whatsapp chat when she found out the actors are in fact free on Friday when we told Breach that they were busy. We only realised the night before, that we mis-read the email that Willow Welch (Drama Admin) sent us, as it is in March not February. It was an honest mistake that we made. 

  • In the mean time, Caitlin Griffiths of whom was meant to join the afternoon session said that she has a doctors appointment. Producer Ellie Claughton brought up on whatsapp that we need 24 hour notice for any absences. So I sent Caitlyn Griffiths a private messeage about this before sending a general email to the cast to help combat the last minute absences that have been happening this past week. I tried to word it as nice as possible, I dont want to come across authoritarian, as I do understand 24 hour absences can be impossible sometimes. 

  • 15.00 Rehearsal begins. No further notes for the day. 



  • 11.00: Meeting with Costume. It was a very quick meeting and we decided that costume was going to make a rough schedule for SM to then schedule around that. We can pencil in what actors will be in the morning and afternoon sessions with the exception of Jide Okunola and Zac Nachbaer-Sekel as they are five hours behind. Emma Peace and Imogen Leather also needs to have a conversation with the creatives to clarify that they are the costume designers not Anna Reid- as she is only design mentor. 

  • 12.00: Breach meeting with LX, Sound and Video. I found this meeting so much more enlightening that I thought it would be from an SM perspective. I discovered that the director and writer plan to do several interconnected small stories that are filmed separately then joined together suing video and sound. This will be filmed in one half of Silk Street Theatre, separated by the iron, whilst the other half belong to Barrel Organ. This will be more of a realisitic reconstruction that dramatic or stylised and will have a strong documentary angle. From a sound perspective- what they were discussing sounded similar to what I achieved with India Mason-Mills in my sound allocation in the previous six weeks. I sent the final version out the creatives with sound cc'd in to have a listen and see if it sparked any inspiration. 

  • Lily Hardy contacted me about her absence in the morning on monday due to a doctors appointment, so we made sure to schedule her in for the Monday afternoon. She still may be a little late after three however. 

  • As no rehearsals were called for today, me and Devon had rest of the day off. Devon sent out the rehearsal call for Monday later in the day. 

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Devons Call List 


My Call List for the 24th.


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My altered* Call List for the 25th.


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Reflection of the Week: 


This week went a lot better for me that the previous week. My confidence is slowly gaining and I dont feel as afraid to be on camera or to ask questions- its still in working progress but I feel like I've come so much further than I thought. A lot of this is made much easier due to having such nice creatives to work with, as well as being with such a great group of actors. This week was the first time I had to somewhat 'reprimand' anyone before. And this was about them having to give us a 24 hour notice. I've never done this before and it was scary- I didn't want to be cold or authoritarian but Devon and the director gave me really good feedback on the wording of it so I feel good. It also felt nice to be in charge of half of the Call Lists for the week as being the main SM in charge of some rehearsal sessions. I feel a lot more in control as well as being a better partner to Devon. I do feel nervous about the lack of process in script and ideas that we have at the moment. I can visualise how tough the last weeks will be for me and Devon when we go back to university in person. The sooner the director and writer have a script, the sooner we can prop source and prepare for filming. I am also struggling with the long hours on zoom in the day and the intense active listening for anything important being mentioned. I find myself with a fuzzy head and need to be off of my laptop immediatly around 5.30/6pm, and then return to write my journal late at night as I cant physically bring myself to write it straight after. Overall though, I am finding being in rehearsals really interesting as well as learning more about the 'Spy -cops' scandal. I am really excited for where this is going to go as a drama. 

Week 3: 01/03/2021



  • Rehearsals start at 10.00. Before rehearsals start, I learned that Sheyi Cole isn't going to make it as he is ill and Genny Lewis is getting headshots done but will join in the afternoon. I had to send out an emailing to remind Genny about giving 24 hour notice and to also book her absence using an eGo request. Sheyi doesnt have to do this as it is sickness related. We learnt from Producer Ellie Claughton that we will be in MC Theatre (8th) in the morning up until Thursday, then Thursday (11th) onwards we will be in the Silk Street Theatre on one side of the Iron. I was the main host for the meeting this morning and sorted out the breakout rooms or any requests from the director. 

  • Made the next Rehearsal Call for tomorrow, made sure the actors that have their costume measurement meetings in the afternoon are in the morning session. 

  • Jackal Run Production Meeting at 13.00 with PM, Production Arts and Creatives. Devon spoke through any points that we have as SMs. Such as; Rehearsals have been going well and that we plan to meet with the creatives, design realisation students, costume and cast in a rehearsal session. Also that Devon and me are splitting the stage management roles so all SM related emails/questions should go to both of us as I am missing out some emails. 

  • Rehearsals start at 15.00.

  • Production Manager Tom Mackey have arranged a meeting for tomorrow morning before rehearsal for 9am for a PM and SM. This is to discuss about going back into the building on Monday. Tom Mackey has also released a production schedule that is to the end of term and it confirms that all of filming will take place on the last week from 22nd March to the 25th, with the 26th being the strike day.


02/03/2021 â€‹

  • Had a quick chat with Devon about what actors aren't comfortable going in and it is Sheyi Cole. In this case he has let drama admin know, but for the future all students who wont be returning need to notify drama admin and it is not our responsibility as Stage Managers. 

  • Meeting at 9.00 with SM and PM (Breach & Barrel Organ): I need to email facilities managers about getting some tables and chairs for the Milton Court Theatre from the 8th to the 10th of March. I need to await a response from PV about the Theatre being painted. We also skimmed over COVID protocols, talked about each actor having their own personal chair with a name tag, and it would almost be a personal docking station. Milton Court and Silk Street still have one way systems. Tom will look into QR codes to have signposted for Track-and-Trace purposes. As we are indisposable Wednesday morning, whoever has the space Tuesday night will have to set up for the SM group the next morning. There is discussion about seeing if Ophir Westman- Student Producer to see if he can facilitate wednesday mornings. Staff cards are ready and waiting at MC Stage Door to give to the creatives on Monday morning. Check if we need any AV equipment for the rehearsal space, such as monitors/tvs, but this may not be possible as AV are inundated with other responsibilities. We need make sure that we have Zoom facilities however to accommodate for any overseas students or those who dont feel comfortable coming in. Lastly I asked if anyone knows of the Guildhall Cafes being open- no one knows, so I may have to chase this up with facilities. Devon said that the common room is open so there is access to at least hot water. 

  • Rehearsal starts at 10.00. Lily Hardy was late because of WiFi issues.

  • I got an email from Student Producer Ophir Westman about sending in a biography and headshot for the programme so I need to do that. 

  • Rehearsal starts at 14.00. Alyth Ross was late. 

  • Had a check up meeting with Devon and Lucy Serjeant at 16.45. We chatted about how we will organise Monday and the process we would do. Such as having to have certain equipment available like: a measuring tape, LX tape, scissors, paper, pen and blu-tack. Luckily I have a black 'apron' which is helpful. We might need a sound system- so thats something to think about. We will need to mark out 2m gaps from each table and chair using a measuring tape and LX Tape. Might need to look at getting bins for any rubbish. Get PV in the space to show how to turn on the lights in the morning and to arrive 1 hour on the first day to set everything up- then 30 mins early after that. If there is a Production Meeting at lunchbreak. Look at SMs splitting up their lunch break so one can always facilitate the rehearsal at 2pm. In an in-person rehearsal, always listen out for any important information that the creatives may discuss. And to be the conduit for information for them. Keep a note of who visits rehearsals for a considerable amount of time for COVID reasons. 



  • Had this morning off and watched 'Its True, Its True, Its True: Artemisia on Trial' of which was a Breach Production by Director Billy Barrett and Writer Ellice Stevens. It was really interesting seeing how the theatre company approached Verbatim material and to see the lengths they are comfortable going to put the point across. 

  • I wrote a biography to give to Ophir Westman (Student Producer) for the programme of 'Jackal Run' when it airs. My biography is: 

' Eve Clayton is a student in her second year of Theatre Technology in the Production Arts course at Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Eve is part of the Stage Management team on the drama ‘Jackal Run’ as part of her elective. Previously, Eve has worked on Guildhall productions of ‘Opera; Triple Bill’ and the drama ‘Pod’ as both Production Assistant and Camera Operator. Eve was also Stage Electrician at the Palladiums ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat’ (2019) for three months prior to joining Guildhall.'

  • Ophir then messaged me saying that I didn't need to give him a biography, as I was just included in the message to see the email- which was a bit embarrasing. 

  • Rehearsal starts at 14.00. I am the main host and SM for this as Devon is away with Stage Management Interviews. Learnt that Jide Okunola has booked a flight for Saturday which is great news. He will need to isolate for 10 days before coming into University. So he cannot come in until the 17th of March. Had a discussion with writer Ellice Stevens about the call for tomorrow and learnt that everyone was present in the morning however Sonny Pilgrem had issues with Wifi. 

  • I sent out the Rehearsal Call for Thursday 4th March

  • Sent an email to Jide Okunola explaining the rehearsal call as it states 'full cast' in the morning but that doesnt actually include him. 

  • Sent out an email stating that there are no notes from today.

  • Started creating a To-do list for Monday for the SM team, to make sure we don't miss anything. 

  • Put the recording of todays performances into teams and notified the creatives.  

  • Had an SM Catch-up meeting including Anna Reid at 17.15. Anna shared her screen with us to help illustrate what she will be talking about. We learnt more about her, her career and creative process. When it comes to presenting her with prop ideas she personally like slideshows as well and to have not just the picture but prices and retailer with it. She discussed what shes sees for in a Stage Manager when selecting props- such as knowledge on where the prop came from in the narrative, what character uses it and its purpose. She also mentioned that sometimes asking for references/moodboards from designers is a great starting point when looking at sourcing things. Furthermore, understanding the script and the narrative inside-and-out is really important. Anna Reid loves it when an SM has a deep emotional connection to the story and is just as passionate to the design- it can really help push the design futher. Lastly, its okay for a prop to be rejected by a designer, as that process of seeing something a designer doesnt like is really helpful for them too. On the side I have included the two moodboards that inspired me the most from Anna. I'm not entirely sure why but the more I understand/hear about the Spy Cops incident- these images make the most sense. Especially when it came to the settings surrounding the victims. 



  • Meeting for everyone at 10.00. Alyth Ross didnt show up and tried several attempts to get in contact with her. We also recorded the meeting for both her and Jide Okunola. 

  • Me and Devon have nothing planned for the rest of the day as the actors are having independant study. However both forgot that the Director and Writer cant start zoom meetings as they're not hosts. I was unavailable but luckily Devon got it resolved in the end. 

  • Lesson is Excel Spreadsheeting at 4.15 with Robert Coupe. What I learnt was: 

1) If dealing with Budget- select columns that will include money and change the data to Currency above the numbers section on the home page. 

2) Start you table a few cells down to make space for additional information such as; the header, your name, Budget price, Total Spent and what is left over. 

3) Headers should include: Date/Item/Source/Who/Gross/Vat/Net/Progress/Notes 

4) You can make each column the same width by selecting several columns and draggind the width with your cursor. 

5) VAT= 20%. VAT needs to be in a ratio format for Excel so that would be 1:2. 

6) Gross is how much the item costs

7) To find out VAT you need to type in =SUM(gross - net) 

8) To find out Net you need to type in =(gross/1.2)

9) Once you are able to know these formulas, and the formula is copy and pasted into every cell for that column- any gross price can be inputted both Net and Vat will all be automatically calculated. 

10) To find out total spent: =SUM(select all gross columns) 

11) To find out what budget is left: =SUM(Budget-total spent) 

12) To make a drop down column, you will need to make a separate sheet containing the kind of list you want to see when the drop down appears. Then select the cell you want the drop down to be on the intended sheet and select data>data validation>allow>list>click source>click navigation pane. Go to the other sheet with the list you made, select the list and the cell numbers will appear in the data validation box. Press enter. A drop down will appear in the cell you intended and this can now be copy and pasted into all the cells that you wish. 

13) Conditional Formatting can make the table useful colour wise. Go to Conditional Formatting on the home page>new rule>format only cells that contain>specific text>containing(what ever you like)>format (however you like). This can put peoples names in a certain colour, it can make text change colour if its given a limit like budget etc. Its just a really helpful tool visually. 

14) When it comes to printing, you can go to view>page layout and it will show what it should look like when it is printed. 

15) Before printing, its better to highlight what you want printed the go to>print selection>fit sheet on one page. 



  • Meeting with the actors at 10.00. Alyth Ross was a bit late again today but she eventually made it. Devon read through the COVID policy before the break at 10.30, I also added that people shouldnt be worried about making others uncomfortable to come in as everyone knows the risks and its their decision to come in. 

  • We all re-grouped at quarter past and we made break out rooms for the actors to quickly rehearse for their sharing session. 

  • At 11.30, we let in the PA Students and staff that are working on the project into the zoom call. Billy just gave an introduction into the kind of performances that is a possibility- such as multiple monologues and headphone work; where the actor is saying verbatim exactly how it was said.  First the actors showed some performances that they have been preparing. This was primarily to show the other Production Arts students the possible potential for what the final outcome could be. Whilst they performed their segments, I got out some pens and paper and drew what I imagined the final product could be like. Allegra Totaro-Wainwirght and Mary Deakes from Design Realisation went on to show the kind of research they have been looking into for the set design/enviroment these could be potentially set in. Such as working mans pubs, police offices, interrogation rooms, galley kitchens, court rooms etc. I thought they hit the nail right on the head with the research as it correlates perfectly to what I was invisioning. Emma Peace and Imogen Leather from Costume then went next and went through all of the period styles in fashion from the 70s to the naughties. I also loved what they looked up, and feel like what ever we end up going with stylisticly its going be really nice and cohesive. LX and Video didnt have anything to share. Adi Currie from sound did say that they have been working on a spotify playlist to potentially be played in the background of some monologues. 

  • After the sharing session, I emailed Robert Coupe (SM Staff) as I still have an issue with the conditional formatting in Excel. I ended up downloading excel as it would be easier to have that for this allocation anyway. When I go to Conditional Formatting>New Rule, there should be a list of options of what to format but it didnt appear. Robert discovered it was an issue with Mac computers and discovered if you select 'Classic' style, the lists will pop up. I managed to colour format the progress drop down boxes as well as mine and Devons names. 

  • Writer Ellice Stevens emailed me and Devon with call sheet information for Monday through to Wednesday. So I created the rehearsal call for Monday 8th and Devon created an overview schedule for those three days as requested by the actors. I forgot to add the Covid Protocols that was requested by Gill Allen so I amended it and sent it out as a V2. I also emailed to say that there was no rehearsal notes from today. I sent Gill Allen a list of names of the production arts students in Jackal Run for the programme. 

  • Had a SM Meeting at 16.30 to discuss going back into the building next week. We mainly talked about Covid protocols and how we felt about going back next week, as well as any updates on how the rehearsals are going. Also discussed about putting on a 'Stage Manager mask' and putting up a confident front and projecting your voice to make yourself known in the rehearsal space. There is a possibility that the four of us could have Teaching Room 2 as our SM Production Office when in Milton Court. It might also be a good idea for me and Devon to chase up any kind of script that Writer Ellice Stevnes has been working on. Furthermore, as our rehearsal ends at 1.30, we have 30 minutes to get the theatre cleaned and turned around for 'All your houses' rehearsal at 2pm. This means we'll need to evacuate the space as soon as possible to maximise our time. Lastly, Devon will be incharge of the Soldo Cards for any petty cash purchases, as I had pretty bad luck with it last time as Production Assistant. 


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My Rehearsal Call for the 2nd.


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Facilities Email


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My Rehearsal Call for the 4th.


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Anna Reids Moodboards that I responded to the most:


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Me contributing to this mornings call:

I made a quick Props Spreadsheet in our excel lession: 


My Prediction of the final outcome:

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My Rehearsal Call for the 8th.


Reflection of the Week: 


I have felt really productive this week and I can feel my confidence growing a lot as a Stage Manager. There have been moments where people still email Devon and not include me which feels a little disconcerting. I sometimes feel it is because I'm not coming across enough in rehearsal or in emails, and being let out can also can cause confusion for both me and Devon. It is getting better so I am sure the spread of communication will improve when we go into the building on Monday. In terms of work load me and Devon are basically 50/50 which feels good as in the first week I feel like she had most of the work and it was worrying me. When it comes down to when the drama is in full swing- I am happy for us to continue with how we are now. Maybe one day Devon is the main SM and I am the other day? It would make sense as we have been doing well with the joint responsibility so far; but that is a conversation I am yet to have with Devon. I need to make a mental note to discuss propping as well as photoshop with Billy and Ellice on Monday, so that I can reach my personal interests. As well as finding jobs for our first year stage managers who will be assisting us. I am really excited to go back to university because the lockdown has felt so much harder this time around. As I will also be commuting in, I will have a nice 20-25 minute walk from the train station to get to Guildhall. My physical health hasn't been the best, so I am looking forward to some peaceful exercise to start the day.  


Week 4: 08/03/2021



  • On the weekend I made a Cast List document in Teams for me and Devon to refer to when in rehearsals. 

  • Arrived approximately at 8.40 and met Devon and Lucy Serjeant at Milton Court Theatre. I went to collect the COVID PPE box from Robert Coupe in the Staff Production Office. I then went and helped Lucy Rodgers, Devon James-Bowen and Peter Reavey to create a 2m grid with orange LX tape. They then set out the chairs in 2m spaces and I wrote down the names on masking tape, then stuck them on the chairs randomly. Set out the tables and chairs for the creatives and one Stage Management. 

  • I went to meet Director Billy Barrett and Producer Ellie Claughton at stage door- Writer Ellice Stevens was going to find her way back into the building. I took them up to the theatre and settled them in. Adi Currie from sound came to sit in as well. 

  • We started Rehearsals 10 minutes late, 10.10. Sheyi Cole didnt turn up on zoom. I called him and he said he would be an hour late- he ended up My Wifi on my laptop failed to work for most of the first part of the day so Devon had to put Jide on Zoom on her iPad. The cast couldn't warm up properly as we had no sound in the theatre to use. By the time the sound team got it working- they didn't need it anymore. Writer Ellice Stevens sent us some documents she wanted printed off, but because laptop was out of action I had to mobile print everything from my phone. One document was a huge file size so luckily there was a PDF Compressor website, and that finally allowed me to send the actual document to the printer. 

  • The cast have done extensive research into their characters which is really great. I need to look into their research set by the creatives as well as look at what research Devon has done from Teams. For me, I learn better visually so if I can get my hand on some videos/podcasts or dramas relating or similar to this scandal- this would be so much better for me. I find it difficult to take information in when theres so much writing involved. 

  • I sent the link of the Jackal Run cast list I made to Imogen Leather and Emma Peace from costume which would be super helpful for them. 

  • We quickly sanitised the space and swapped out the chairs for 'All your Houses's rehearsal for 15 minutes so we can make the production meeting. 

  • Production Meeting at 13.00- SM added that we had a good rehearsal and we are going to overshare in the rehearsal notes for everyone to have more content ot work with. And we stated that Imogen will be in the rehearsal room tomorrow also. 

  • Had a small discussion type rehearsal at 15.00 with SM, Director, Writer and Felix Newman, Alyth Ross and Umi Myers- in Teaching Room 2, Level 2. I left at 16.45 to get an earlier train home, as I didn't need to be in the afternoon rehearsal. 



  • Came into the space and set out the correct chairs for who is coming in. Then sanitised the chairs before heading out for my mid-allocation tutorial with Gill Allen and Lucy Serjeant at 10.00

  • Rejoined the Rehearsal afterwards at 10.30 as was the main SM this time around. Immediately had a chat with Dorothy Allen-Pickard (Dramaturg) in person about who are the relevant staff to contact. As well as, who will be using post production software and what equipment we have available in both AV and Sound. I sent out two emails afterwards and CC'd Dorothy in to find this out. 

  • Listening into the rehearsal- Lily Hardys character sounds like she has a distinctivde red uniform, she also used her scarf quite a lot. In terms of props, I also thought of some possibilities through observation. Such as: a steering wheel, a cigerette, book, passport, purse and credit cards/ID. 

  • I sent out the rehearsal call for tomorrow as well as the rehearsal notes from todays session. 

  • I showed the creative team the space in Silk Street (Auditorium side). We did a quick sound check with the iron down. Dramaturg Dorothy Allen-Pickard asked about going to talk with AV and I managed to get PM to go and show her later on. 

  • 17.15: Teams meeting for an SM catch-up. Me and Devon shared our screens for both shot takes and airtable as different approaches to log shots for when we go into filming. I agreed with Gill that we definately should organise some kind of meeting with Dorothy Allen-Pickard and the Sound, Video and AV Departments. As there quite a lot of confusion coming from Dorothys side from our conversations from today. 

  • Director and Writer Billy Barrett and Ellice Stevens gave us a rough schedule for thursday and friday. The sharing session will be 4-6pm, I've notified the Production Manager of this. 

  • I sent out a quick email to the creatives about possibly receiving a script of some kind as well as having a discussion about props. Me and Devon desperately needs to get some information when it comes to this- as it will be imperative for the next 2 weeks. I have cc'd in the design mentor, Anna Reid to see that this is an ongoing conversation. 



  • World Of Work with Tahra Zafar at 11.00.

  • Design Mentor Anna Reid emailed back about Props, she was hoping to have a meeting with us today. I replied asking if she would like to have a call with us at 5.45 (after rehearsals) or tomorrow in person. 

  • Found out from PM Tom Mackey that the Silk Street auditorium capacity with covid guidelines is 63. Which is a lot more than we thought which is great, and we might be able to have some departments in for the sharing session on Friday. 

  • I emailed Tom the rehearsal Zoom link to send off to PA students and staff for the second sharing session on Friday at 4. 

  • I sent Dramaturg Dorothy Allen-Pickard a quick email to check up on her visit to the AV department yesterday. 

  • I emailed Drama Admin to contact Sonny Pilgrem for him to communicate with both Stage Management and Costume. He has both missed his costume appointments and is ignoring Emma Peace's texts. 

  • Rehearsal with creatives and Sheyi Cole at 14.00. This only lasted till approximately 4pm. 

  • Once Anna Reid got back to us, we had a quick zoom meeting with Anna about props at 18.00. The items of furniture that Anna has immediately thought about have been something akin to wood and metal combinations and that are very dated. Anna Reid said that we will definately need a table and four chairs, a dated tape recorder and chunky leather banded headphones with a curly cable. When it comes to the headphone verbatim- the actor could be wearing these headphones whilst being secretly plugged into an iPhone etc. Devon recommended that we go to the car park store on Friday and pull out tons that we think would be useful. Anna Reid may go in alone before us and post-it note what she likes, then we both go in and pull. 

  • Need to email Robert Coupe tomorrow about booking an appointment to go to carpark.



  • 8.45: Started setting up in Silk Street Theatre. We set out the chairs 2m apart for the creatives and the actors. Set up the tables to where we thought would be best. This is subject to change later on in the week. We used orange LX tape to mark the edge for the front of the steeldeck and white gaffa for the back. 

  • Robert Coupe got back to Devon about visiting Carpark tomorrow. Only one person is allowed in. So it will be a case of Design Mentor Anna Reid going in, putting post-it notes on what she wants then one stage manager going in and pulling. Which is a shame because I wanted to go to the prop store but the likelihood is that it will be Devon instead as she knows how to get there. 

  • 10.00-11.30: Reheasal with Lily Hardy and Sonny Pilgrem

  • Lily Hardy couldn't turn up as her front door wasn't locking. Therefore Sonny Pilgrem didn't turn up and joined Zoom instead- which wasn't discussed with us. 

  • Sound and AV are working on getting a webcam set up for future remote and in-person rehearsals. 

  • The director and writer had to move to Teaching Room two in Milton Court to recieve wifi for the zoom call. So far- the morning hasn't particularly gone to plan. 

  • Sent out the Rehearsal Call for Friday the 12th of March. PA students can join us in the auditorium for the sharing session at 4pm if they wish. 

  • 11.45-13.00: Rehearsal with Charlie Beck and Caitlin Griffiths. 

  • I looked through the props catalogue and picked out what I thought would be good for Jackal Run. 

  • 14.00-15.45: Rehearsal with Jide Okunola and Hope Kenna

  • 16.00-17.30: Rehearsal with Tara Tijani and Brandon Grace

  • Sent out the Rehearsal Notes from today. 



  • Came in at 8.45 and set up Zoom for Jide Okunola and Sheyi Cole with Devon. Before starting- we learnt of six absences (at some point in the day): Caitlin Griffiths, Jide Okunola, Hope Kenna, Umi Myers, Sheyi Cole and Alyth Ross. 

  • Began rehearsals at 10- I went to Milton Court to get the Carpark key from Robert Coupe. I then met Anna Reid in the Silk Street Foyer and walked over to the carpark store in the Barbican. 

  • Anna Reid collated the items she liked the most for both Jackal Run and All your Houses. Our items are in a suitcase and labeled. In the furniture store, Anna saw that we had exactly 13 matching chairs that would work perfectly which is great! The other peices of furniture, she couldn't get to but she said she will reference the to the Catalogue for what she wants. 

  • Devon booked for the GSMD van to be used so that we can haul everything in one day from carpark on Monday- possibly for 12pm. 

  • I returned the keys back to Robert Coupe then went to the MC Computer Room to print of two copies of a document that Writer Ellice Stevens wanted. 

  • I went to print off 3 more documents that the creatives sent to me in the MC Computer Room. I then joined Dramatug Dorothy Allen Pickard , Sound Lecturer Andy Taylor, Sound Staff Ben Collins, Jonathan Chan and Adi Currie in their own meeting about sound and how the space will be mic'd up. 

  • 16.05: Sharing session starts. Anna Reid showed what the set may look like and to stress that a lot of it is dependant on how the actors use it. Costume showed some moodboards for what some characters would be wearing. The clothing has been ordered in and will be quaratined on the weekend for 72 hours ready for fittings next week. Dan Light from video shared his ideas for experimentation with street cutaways and protest projection. Adi Currie from sound said that the actors will have lapel mics and showed some music samples that are nice for background music. Lighting had nothing to share. The actors then shared what they have been working on. 

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Email to Andy about Sound Equipment for filming

Email to Tom to forward to AV for Equipment for filming

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My Rehearsal Call for the 10th


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My Rehearsal Notes from the 9th


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Email to Drama Admin: 

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My Rehearsal Call for the 12th


Props I thought would suit Jackal Run from looking through the Props Catalogue: 


Reflection of the Week: 


This week has been really eye-opening and quite exhausting, which I anticipated it would be prior to coming in. I do feel really exposed to a lot of different things now that I can't hide behind a screen, and its both liberating but terrifying. On the whole, seeing and interacting with people in person has been really tough for me. It might not come across that way, but its been a huge hurdel for me all week. I also feel that (again this is most likely internalised) others probably see me as Devons assistant rather than equal. Which is fair, in terms of that she is more natural at this role and that this is her course, but it does make me feel a little sad sometimes. I feel this way because the actors want to converse with her more, as well as anyone entering the space- she is usually the first person people want to speak to most of the time. The talk I had with Gill and Lucy on Tuesday I had really boosted my confidence, which was really great. I think going forward, I need to really push myself and find my voice in the space and be more conversational with the cast. I really believe that Covid protocols has a huge part to play in the awkardness I feel. Keeping 2 meters away from someone whilst trying to socialise, is even more difficult than usual, but I know I just need to push through. The actors being contanstantly absent or late hasn't helped me and Devon with our jobs, but Ellie Claughton (Producer) has reminded the actors of the importance of the next two weeks, so this should (hopefully) be resolved. 

Week 5: 15/03/2021



  • 9.00: Costume + SM + PM Meeting. Need to figure out a way for both companies cast to be in at the same time whilst socially distancing in both changing rooms and quick change areas. Ideas of having each productions cast filming at different times of the day as there will be noise bleed anyway. However this cant be too overwhelming for costume as it could be too much to do at one time. PM might be putting up more quick change areas. 

  • 10.00: Rehearsal Begins. I went to MC Computer Room to print off 3 documents. It ended up being around 170 pages roughly. I wish there was a better way of being paper-free/ more green for the future. 

  • Meet Qian Yan (First Year Stage Management) outside Sundial Court at quarter to 12, ready to go to the Car Park Store.

  • 12.00: Robert Coupe met us with the Van in Car Park. We first got out all of the furniture that Design Mentor Anna Reid emailed me. It mainly included a variety of chairs and a table that we will need to assemble. The props was very straight forward as it was only a medium sized suitcase of items. I then met Qian Yan and Devon at the ramp to Silk Street Theatre and unloaded the items. 

  • 1.00: Breach Production Meeting. Nothing too significant came from it. 

  • 2.30: Rehearsal resumes. 

  • Writing up the Rehearsal Report as well as the Rehearsal Call for tomorrow. We will be having a meeting with the 'Police Spies out of Lives' tomorrow of which is a meeting with the victims involved. I'm really looking forward to hearing the true stories. 

  • I emailed Anna Reid about if she wanted to get anything from the Red Door store, and if so to figure out when, so I can book it. 

  • I just noted down all of the items we brought back to the space from the Car Park Store today- so that me and Devon can compile a props document tomorrow morning. 



  • Had a costume meeting with Emma Peace and Imogen Leather at 9.00. Its decided that Stage Management will be purchasing the colanders for the protest clowns- Emma Peace will send over head measurements. We know for sure that Felix Newman will wear one and possibly Genny Lewis. They are happy with the one quick change area already available, and their dressing room space is Silk Street basement. Fittings will be Wednesday and Thursday this week, Emma will send over the schedule. 

  • Lucy Serjeant could be with us Friday to see a possible run through of the show as Gill Allen is unavailable. I think this would be great because Lucy could suggest things that me or Devon don't necessarily see/know about. 

  • 10.00: Meeting with Sheyi Cole and Creatives. They expressed that the material wont be pure Vebatim like it was intended as its too exposing for the current victims. So headphone/word for word text wont be used. Sheyi Cole has his own monolgue about his character finding out about the enquiry as a family member of the dead relative's name being used by an undercover cop. 

  • I have added all the scripts that were send for printing into a Teams file for people to access. 

  • 11.30-12.30: Meeting with full cast, creatives and the PSOOL (Police Spies Out of Lives) group. 

  • 14.15: This was meant to be a rehearsal with Jide Okunola and Hope Kenna but Hope couldn't make it, so the creatives made the executive decision to cut the rehearsal completely. Me and Devon instead make the schedule with Director Billy and Writer Ellice for the rest of the week. 

  • 15.15: Charlie Beck and Caitlin Griffiths had a rehearsal. Might need two Wine Glasses with cosumable wine? Still in discussion. 

  • 16.15: Tradecraft Manual rehearsal with Genny Lewis, Brandon Grace, Sonny Pilgrem, Jide Okunola, Felix Newman, Charlie Beck and Caitlin Griffiths. Costume confusion- they cant have more than one costume but the Director wanted them in special camoflague uniforms for this section?

  • Quick check up with Producer Ellie Claughton at 17.30. Nothing much in particular was discussed. 



  • 11.00: World of Work with Lighting Designer Neil Austin. 

  • 14.30: Rehearsals began. There was some confusion from the start, as we are working across two spaces; Silk Street Auditorium and Milton Court Theatre. We had to wait for Devon to print off the documents the writer sent over before we could start anything. In the end- Tara Tijani, Hope Kenna, Lily Hardy and Caitlin Griffiths were in the Silk Street space and Umi Myers in MC. 

  • 15.45: Myself and Devon had a meeting with Producer Ellie Claughton and Dramaturg Dorothy Pickard and Gill Allen about what our roles will be when filming occurs next week. One of us will be script supervisor and the other to be first assistant director. I would personally love to be Assistant Director, to-do live timekeeping, assist Dorothy and to use the clapper board. Me and Devon soon after decided what roles we wanted and she was happy for me to be first AD. 

  • 15.45: Couple rehearsals with Hope Kenna & Jide Okunola, Lily Hardy & Sonny Pilgrem. Lily and Sonny are wearing two balaclavas and Lily has blood on her face (need to source fake blood). Hope has a placard saying 'Men with Quality don't fear Equality' (DR Make??). 

  • 16.00: Alyth Ross and Felix Newman in rehearsal. Need to source a clipboard and make/photoshop official documents for both Felix and Alyth's character. 



  • Got in at 8.30 and started to attempt at making a photoshopped train ticket. I didn't get very far as whilst I was trying to figure out how to lasso out a background- the software crashed. Me and Devon are just going to use a real one that Devon has kept herself. I then couldn't find the laptop for Zoom, but luckily Devon knew where to get it and we set it up in time for Sheyi Cole. Sheyi Cole and Jide Okunola were late and learnt that Lily Hardy and Sonny Pilgrem will be absent in the morning rehearsal. 

  • 10.00: Rehearsals begin. As they were doing introductions, I ran up to MC Computer room to print off the scene breakdown for Writer Ellice Stevens as well as some script for Genny Lewis. Got back and I ended taking the role of Deputy Stage Manager and Devon wasn't present for the first run through of Act 1- we reached just before the start of the clown scene. 

  • I had to follow the script intensely, whilst taking notes on scene changes, entrances, exits, any possible props as well as following the script to know where we are in the dialogue in case anyone misses their line. It was really tough at first and quite daunting, I was trying not to buckle under the pressure. I was really glad to have Lucy Serjeant with me to help me through it. 

  • 14.30: Rehearsal resumes. Jide Okunola and Tara Tijani were late as they were in a meeting. Caitlin Griffiths was 10 minutes late. Alyth Ross, Lily Hardy and Sonny Pilgrem were also late. And Sheyi Cole just left the zoom call in the afternoon- he wasn't meant to. We skimmed through some bits of the first act and me and Devon started to create a brief setting list and making sure to add new props to the props sourcing document on Teams. When we was just recalling- I began to create Felix Newman and Alyth Ross's documents for their scenes, as they will be reading from some official documents. 

  • We are concerned with how heavy the flats will be to carry for the actors. We should discover this tomorrow as Construction are getting their items in tonight. 

  • The actors are consistently late to just everything really. Especially in breaks and lunches- we are having to keep rounding them up and at such a crucial stage, its a huge hinderance. 

  • There is still quite a lot of props to source and will continue to be until right up until filming as we have only really touched Act 1 today. I need to create  a personal To-Do list for tomorrow. 



  • Came in at 8.30, we swapped the names from the blue chairs to the brown show chairs. I sanitised the space and started sweeping up. Adi Currie ran and got the laptop for me from IT so I could set up Zoom for Sheyi Cole. I made sure everyone was present and got the script up from teams to begin the day. 

  • 10.00: We ran through the womens speeches in the third act with Tara Tijani, Lily Hardy, Hope Kenna and Caitlin Griffiths. 

  • 11.00: Full company present. We started straight in with the top of Act Two with the Clown scene. Continued to work through the new scripts that the couples had (apart from Brandon and Tara). 

  • 14.00: Sharing Session 3 began. We showed the whole show to everyone- I acted as DSM by reading the prompt copy and adding any major changes to the script throughout. Seeing it come together from beginning to end as a final product (somewhat) was amazing. I feel so much better knowing we now have a show and that its just something to tweak and improve on for next week. Furthermore- in terms of props, not much else is needed thankfully as I was worried if we had much more to source- we could have been swallowed in a lot of work. 

  • Sent an email to Robert Coupe about having a meeting about the Strike day on friday as well as having sanitisation items available in Rehearsal Room 2 in Milton Court. 

  • The flats that construction have made are ultimately too heavy to be lifted swiftly by the actors for scene changes- so it will need to used in the edit. 

  • Some of the monologues were quite different from my script at some points but Writer Ellice Stevens is now aware of the working live document in teams so she will making changes to that now instead. 

  • All the actors need to find a comfortable position and stay in it as much as possible for the entirety of the shoot in the background- to keep with continuity for the final edit. Alyth Ross was concerned with costume changes, but only her and the clowns have two different outfits in the show. And using filming and the location of different angles of the flattage- we can work around this. 

  • 17.00: Construction set up some flats and lighting began some focus work which is always the exciting bit. Qian Yan from first year SM went downstairs to paint the placard that Hope Kenna will be using in Act 1- I went in to check in her before leaving for the day. 

Tradecraft Manual: 

Couple Scenes: 

Womens Speeches: 

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My Rehearsal Call for the 16th


My Rehearsal Notes from the 15th


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Travel card that we are

basing our prop on:

Act/Scene Breakdown

Script commentary example:

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Act One, Scene 1 thru 3 Blocking Examples:

Setting List (In Progress):

Prop Sourcing Spreadsheet (In Progress):

Reflection of the Week: 

This has been another overwhelming week back in Uni. This week was vital to prepare for the final filming week ahead, and everyone was feeling the pressure- which was nice in a way as I don't feel alone in the task ahead. The weeks tasks were almost split in half in terms of Stage Management roles. The first three days were more ASM roles of going to Carpark and getting props/furniture, adding props to the prop sourcing list and running off to do printing tasks. Then for the last two days that completely switched to a more SM/DSM role by prompting the script, timekeeping, taking pictures of blocking and being generally the main voice in the room. I do feel I am missing out on most of the smaller prop tasks, like going to red door- presetting and making up a props table as Devon volunteered to do it as I was busy prompting. Also, if we had more time, I think I could have easily swapped roles with Devon. But because I am not sure the items I am getting would be suitable, it was best if she took that over to save time going back and forth. In addition, Devon has better common sense with those tasks than me most of the time. On the other hand, the same can be said about my role as Deputy Stage Manager. I did find the role quite stressful but equally rewarding. Naturally my attention span is quite short and focusing on more than one thing is not my best quality- which is quite humorous considering what I ended up getting myself into. Listening to the Director, whilst adding comments/notes to script, whilst taking pictures of the blocking, whilst making sure we take tea breaks, whilst adding props to the sourcing list, making sure people are sanitised, whilst reading the script intensely in case anyone asks for their line is a LOT to keep track of. I must say that once I got into the rhythm and the rehearsal changes started to slow- I felt better about my job and my confidence in general. Friday was great as we managed to show all three acts put together and it made expectations of whats ahead of us clearer, to go into next week with a plan. 

Week 6: 22/03/2021



  • Created a To-Do List over the weekend for today. Also over the weekend, I tidied up the script and finished the "Sandra Davies" documents- ready to be printed. In the end, I ended up printing around 264 pages of script (x6 copies, 1 one sided) and I felt really uncomfortable about the amount of paper being used. Especially when this is devised and is constantly changing. 

  • Came in at 8.30 and managed to complete the tasks I set myself from the to-do list I made for myself at the weekend, before we started Tech at 12.30 (picture). I also made sure the script scenes started on a new page, so that once its printed, we can interchange the scenes if they are altered later on. 

  • I helped assemble the flattage on the stage, had to problem solve as to why the monitor wasn't working- turns out the screen itself is broke and that PM Ben Wallace will see if he can fix it. Once flats & furniture have been put down me and devon spiked the edges, in different colours so we can differienciate between different objects. Orange is Act 1, Scene 1 and white is Act 1, Scene 4. 

  • We discovered that the creative team had a meeting over weekend about blocking and flat placements- stage management weren't included or notified that this meeting occured whatsoever. And especially for blocking purposes, this was a hinderance for us and would have been really beneficial to have been part of that conversation. 

  • Had rehearsal at 15.30, we started with the Tradecraft Manual whilst everyone else went on break. We then looked at Genny Lewis, Alyth Ross and Felix Newmans's scene (Lucy leaving) and then onto Lily Hardy and Sonny Pilgrem's scene (Men dissapearing).

  • The cast came back at 18.00 and we ran through the whole show with a few pauses. The main reasons for the pauses being that either the structure has changed or that the script is now different. Most of these changes happened in the morning and even me and Devon weren't notified. 

  • I went home and lined up writer, Ellice Stevens' and my script and tried to alter any changed made if possible. I only want to print out my script at the last possible moment to avoid future printing. 



  • Recieved an email for a new schedule for today from Director Billy Barrett . I met up with PM Tom Mackey around 10 am in MC to talk throught this email. There was a bit of miscommunication as we cannot have a full dress in Silk Street as Barrell Organ is filming- as well as there only being a 30 min lunch being scheduled. We managed to clear this up with the director and move forward with the day. 

  • Me and Devon went to Level 3 Milton court to meet up with Robert Coupe to discuss the strike plan for Friday. We also picked up a tea towel, fake blood and some filters and skins from the staff production office. 

  • We then ran back down and began rehearsals in Rehearsal Room 2. We had a check in before moving to Silk Street to do an LX tech session with cast. This lasted till lunchtime. 

  • Everyone came back to RR2 in MC and we went through some individual scenes before having a dress run scheduled in for 6pm. However Alyth Ross didn't turn up and we couldn't start till at least half past six. 

  • This is the SM to-do list from Notes that I took throughout the day, to get completed for filming: 

  • Need to get a book for Lily’s Character

  • Need to purchase Tobacco

  • Need to print off Umi’s monologues

  • Bring in Stop Watch

  • Bring in Black Ring Binder. 




  • To-Do List for the morning session: 

✓ Text Devon to for her to grab her stopwatch - does she also have a spare folder for me too?

✓ Go to MC and get bumbag and head torch

✓ Amend any script changes

✓ Make a list of the cast names

✓ Collate Umi’s monologues into word documents

✓ Print off new script for both me and Devon

✓ Print off cast names

✓ Print off umi’s monologues

✓ Hole punch umis monologues and put into her folder

✓ Sanitise and sweep the space

✓ Preset for the scene we will look at first

✓ Got to costume at 9.30 and check the actors in

✓ Once actors are in the space- read out the covid guidelines

✓ 10.00 - warm up

  • Today we filmed: Act 1 Scene 1, Act 1 Scene 2, Act 1 Scene 3, Act 3 Scene 1, Act 1 Scene 4, Act 1 Scene 5, Act 1 Scene 6, Act 1 Scene 7, Act 1 Scene 8, Act 2 Scene 2, Act 2 Scene 3, Act 2 Scene 5 and Act 2 Scene 6. We are in a really great position for tomorrow. 

  • Everything went really smoothly today. the energy in the room is calm and controlled, a lot of this is to do with how organised the creatives are. 

  • I began the props bible today and did as much of it as I could around using the clapper board for a new take, making sure the cast break on time and keeping an ear out for any important information. 




  • Came in around 8.30 and continued with the props bible. I took as many pictures as I could that I failed to take yesterday, and updated the word document.

  • Approximately 9.15- I went to check in the actors. Over half weren't in on time. I went and fetched the clown makeup to give to the those in the tradecraft manual as that is what we started with. Dorothy Allen-Pickard described to me how the Clapper Board works. You write down Act, dot, Scene in the left. Slate in the middle. Then Take in the Right hand side. A slate usually indicated that the camera has moved position, but in this case I used the slate number as the setting. For example, the flats for scene 1 is slate one then the empty stage would be slate 2 and onwards. 

  • Today we filmed: Act 1: Scene 9, Act 2: Scene 1, Act 2: Scene 4, Act 3: Scene 2, Act 2: Scene 7, Act 2: Scene 8, Act 2: Scene 9, Act 3: Scene 3. Act 3: Scene 4, Act 3: Scene 5, Act 3: Scene 6, Act 3: Scene 7. Then moved onto pickups of the tranisition between Act 1: Scene 1 into Scene 2, Woops and Cheers from the Tradescraft Manual, Disclaimer then a song transition sound.

  • I went through more of the props bible and managed to get it finished before the day finished. 

  • I also sent out the last Notes to everyone from todays filming call- only information on who were late, the general plans for tomorrow and what we filmed today will be on it. 



  • Came in at 9 am, myself and Devon collated the carpark store props and furniture together and checked that we have everything from my props bible. I then sent my props bible off to Robert Coupe. Devon has done the running expenditures including Soldo Card purchases so now all of the paperwork is done for the show. 

  • 10 am Whole Programme Meeting 

  • 11 am the two first year SMs appeared, Qian Yan and Iben Sorensen. They helped me move the brown sofa back to where we got it from, of which is the -2 running room. Then around the time we got back Robert Coupe was at the top of the Silk Street ramp with the van. 

  • We loaded all of our props and furniture with Barrel Organ, then I joined Rob in the van and met the others at Carpark. 

  • After putting all the items back, I put the COVID box back by Roberts desk and was done with the day. 

My Monday To-do List:


Actors Attendance


Props Bible 


Reflection of the Week: 

Out of the entire allocation, this was definately my favourite week. I think mostly because all of the work we have been putting in until now, is now being physically made come true in front of us. As filming is so important, for once the actors took it more seriously and came in on time, without absences (most of the time), so this made our lives easier too. Especially once we got settled back in Silk Street Auditorium for the last two days. Working in film and alongside Video Dramaturg Dorothy Allen-Pickard and her camera assistant Johnny was an eye-opening experience. And the process made me question if I want to just solely work in theatre or work more in the furture with filmed live performances. Johnny has worked for the National Theatre, and that is the best of both worlds for Film and Live Theatre. I did feel really in control this week and felt rather present in the room. I think this definately comes from me just generally building up my confidence slowly throughout these past six weeks. This is also re-affirmed from both Ellice Stevens and Billy Barrett in my final private conversation I had with them both before leaving for the day. Ellice in particular feels like I have no reason to lack confidence, and that she felt really lucky to have had us in the process; so this made me feel really complete in my journey. 

Production Photos 




Asthana, A., Lewis, P., Evans, R., Kelly, J., Alexander, N., Jackson, N. and Maynard, P., 2021. The spy cops scandal: part 1 – podcast. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].


Asthana, A., Lewis, P., Evans, R., Kelly, J., Alexander, N., Jackson, N. and Maynard, P., 2021. The spy cops scandal: part 2 – podcast. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].


BBC News. 2021. Undercover Policing Inquiry: We want answers. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].


Evans, R. and Blight, G., 2021. UK political groups spied on by undercover police – the list. [online] the Guardian. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].


Forrester, K., 2021. Katrina Forrester · Shag another: In Bed with the Police · LRB 7 November 2013. [online] London Review of Books. Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].


Police Spies Out of Lives. 2021. Police Spies Out of Lives. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 28 March 2021].

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