POD, Drama 2
Created and directed by Jamie Bradley and Vicki Igbokwe, devised with the Company
Jess Curtis designer
Matt Daw lighting designer
Kweku Aacht composer
“We’re like family, baby, a collective little pod… only you don’t have to be blood to feel the vibration. It just shakes when we’re together”
A club night. A secret. A moment to shine.
Figures converse through House music for an epic ride of rhythm and connection.
But when brutal truths are revealed, the nocturnal crowd must check more than their bodies at the door.
As an ill-fated love story emerges, the bombastic dance scene sheds new light on hidden histories, the natural habits of orcas, and the complexities of negotiating one’s chosen family.
This unique live-stream production, created and developed with the cast of Guildhall School actors, weaves together bold street-style choreography and a colourful array of characters within an immersive club setting.
POD Trailer
Costume in pod
Section 1: Objectives - What you want to improve on.
What do you want to do, or think that you are supposed to do in this allocation?
Describe your personal objectives and expectations for this allocation, in relation to your current knowledge, understanding, skills and techniques. You are expected to link your objectives to your previous feedback
In this allocation I want to become a more organised and reliable person whilst being a Production Assistant. I am supposed to aid the Production Manager in completing many small tasks that don’t necessarily fit in a particular department. My personal objectives are to get better at my communicative skills, as well as learning the names and roles of other members of the departments.
Section 2: Learning & development - Why you want to improve on these things.
Consider what you hope to be doing five years from now – how are the objectives you have set for yourself useful to you in getting there?
I want to improve on these skills as I feel I am quite a shy person and need to come out of my shell a bit more to become a better team player. I also will be having an ASM elective in the final term of year 2 and want to be prepared for this responsibility. I feel by becoming better at my communicative skills and spreadsheet work- I will be on my way to be a useful and proactive Assistant Stage Manager.
Section 3: Action Plan - How you are going to improve these things.
What do you plan to do in order to achieve your objectives?
What recommendations or advice have you already been given that you can apply now?
I plan to improve these skills by reaching out to the necessary people via email within this production of POD, in order to complete the tasks, set for us on whatever to-do list format Maisie Roberts gives us. Advice that I will give myself to be a better PA from my previous allocation would be to have more patience, and have a better attitude towards the jobs at hand.
Section 4: How you will measure your improvements – what success will look like.
How will you be able to demonstrate that you have achieved your objectives?
By completing the tasks swiftly set by PM Maisie Roberts. As well as being recommended as an assistant In future to other Production Managers- or even being asked to be a Production Manager in my 3rd year.
Section 5: Do you have a Learning Support Agreement?
What support do you feel you might need on this allocation and how do you wish this to be discussed with the creative/ freelance team you will be working with?
Student: Eve Clayton
Supervisor: Maisie Roberts
Date: 02/11/2020